ARBOEKO - for the city beauty and human health...

Arboeko Ltd. is a major gardening and tree nursery company operating primarily in Central Europe. It focuses on planting and distribution of a wide range of ornamental and fruit trees. Among our clients are landscaping companies, garden centres, DIY markets, cities and municipalities as well as construction and development companies.

The company's philosophy is to offer its customers high-quality plants with correspondent excellent services. Most of the offered trees are our own sorts grown in the climatic conditions of Central Europe. The total area of the ornamental and fruit tree nurseries is 201 ha.

Foreign trade

Arboeko is an active supplier of plants for European countries. Trees grown by Arboeko are annually planted in Slovakia, Poland, Romania, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and in the Ukraine. Arboeko is also an active importer of trees, mainly from growers from the Netherlands, Germany and partly also from Italy and Belgium.


Arboeko is not only one of the major growers and suppliers of high-quality plants, but it also strives to expand its range of services in the highest quality possible.Arboeko is not only one of the major growers and suppliers of high-quality plants, but it also strives to expand its range of services in the highest quality possible.These services include, for example:

  • Online shop for garden centres with an interesting range of services for retail trade
  • Logistics services - the delivery directly to the customer's address has been expanding. More than 90 % of the orders in Poland and Slovakia are connected with direct delivery.
  • Consulting - members of the business department teams are trained to be able to provide the customer with professional information about suitable products, their characteristics as well as information on tree planting and cultivation. These professional consultations and assessments are usually provided free of charge.

Arboeko´s production

Školky Arboeka se nacházejí ve dvou zemědělsky významných regionech a to v Polabí v Obříství nedaleko Mělníka a na Hané ve Smržicích nedaleko Olomouce. Arboeko je pěstitel velmi širokého sortimentu dřevin jakož i širokého typu školkařské produkce.

© ARBOEKO s.r.o., Obříství - Obříství, Bedřicha Smetany 230, PSČ 27742, IČ: 27926826, DIČ: CZ27926826, C 127019 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze.
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